
Brand archetypes

By applying human traits and behavior to our brand in support of the purpose, mission and vision of a business, we quickly telegraph to our users, clients and partners how to feel about us.

The Leader/Ruler

Brand promise

Stability, control, power

At best

Confident, polished, responsible

At worst

Arrogant, despotic

Payroc embodies the Leader best when speaking to potential agents/ISOs, mergers and potential employees.

We believe that Payroc has the people power and the technology to create the highest level of experiences in payments for agents, potential acquisitions and employees.

We will use the gifts of the leader archetype to create a perception in the market of unparalleled sales partner support. We will cultivate a feeling of exclusivity by emphasizing the seniority of our sales partners in the industry.

We will avoid the pitfalls of this archetype (arrogance, despotism) by engaging in a Servant style of leadership. Our very purpose as a company is to simplify payments in order to empower our people, what is a leader if not that?

The Magician

Brand promise

Achievement, ease, transformation

At best

Charismatic, healing, driven

At worst

Risky, dramatic

Payroc embodies the Magician best when speaking to merchants and potential agents/ISOs.

Payment technology is famously messy and hard for the uninitiated to grasp. We want to demystify payments and share our insider secrets with whomever joins the Payroc family. We will show merchants and potential agents a streamlined, sleek product portfolio while maintaining the industry-defining flexibility and adaptability that Payroc can offer behind the scenes. We think about the messy details of payments so that our merchants and agents can focus on what’s important.

As Payroc grows its core tech competencies, this archetype can set us up from some incredible reveals.

We will avoid the pitfalls of this archetype by engaging in a sense of wonder and joy at payments issues. No problem is too big or risky to address with the magic of Payroc.

Synthesis statements

A trusted voice for our vendors and agents, Payroc provides leadership to merchants via a white glove experience untangling and demystifying payments.

We’ll guide you. Payments can be messy and confusing, but our expertise and bespoke solutions will clear the way.

Payroc magically saves merchants money on their statements

We’ll save you money. With a little magic, we will reduce the bottom line on your statements.

Helping agents scale their business with marketing support. “We grow with you!”

We’ll grow with you. When you’re ready to scale your business, our marketing support takes you to the next level.

We only work with leading partners and vendors, the best in the industry

We work with the best. Our partners and vendors lead the way in the payments industry.

Servant leadership means looking for the best solutions in the market, even if it means overlooking one of our own solutions

We’re here to help. No gotchas, the solutions we’ll find for you are the very best around.

Nobody is more flexible than us. We’re agile and scrappy but have the resources of the biggest players in the industry. (Goldilocks zone)

We’re flexible. We work with the biggest players in the payments industry to weave our bespoke solutions.

Payroc has the tech to vanish merchant pain points and supercharge an agent’s book of business

We’ll look after you. Our tech makes complexity disappear and supercharges your business.


Brand objectives

  • Bold
  • Knowledgeable
  • Helpful
  • Charismatic
  • Responsible

All great Payroc content is:

  • Clear
  • Accurate
  • Useful
  • Optimistic
  • Approachable